Monday, November 5, 2007

Another weekend...

Another weekend spent with Molly, and I've never been as sure as I am now that we're meant to be together forever. I love you girl.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Tale of Two Cities

Nowadays, it seems as if almost every couple has to be in the same city as each other for their relationship to work out. And honestly, I am extremely envious of them, being only a moment's notice away from the person they love. However, I am not envious whatsoever of the couple's that are not willing to put in the work to make it through a long distance relationship that they might have to go through for oh... a week. I honestly believe that being in a LDR for such a long time has made me trust Molly more than anyone else in the world. There is absolutely nothing that we don't feel comfortable telling each other about, and that's the way that it should be. In order to live away from the love of your life for such a long time, and to only see that person once or twice a month, you absolutely have to trust them with your life. And Molly, I trust you with my life. When you read this once I send it to you, I want you to know that I am always here for you, no matter what, forever and always Boo. I mean it, I promise.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

How we met....

Well, to make a long story (kind of) short, we met on a mission trip in Charleston, SC the summer before I was a senior in high school and Matt was a junior. We hit it off immediately and had a great time while we were there but when it was time to go home, and the two other times we saw each other that summer, I just wasn't ready for a long distance relationship, so I played it all off even though I really liked Matt a lot. We kept in touch though and continued to be friends. We both dated other people and a couple years later we were both getting over other people at the same time and we leaned on each other as friends and before we knew it, there were definite sparks there. As soon as our school schedules would allow (I was in my first year of college by this time, Matt a senior in high school) he came down to look at a college near my home town and we spent the weekend together. After being together for about 30 minutes I knew that we were going to be something really good. The entire weekend I felt like I was in a sappy romantic comedy, only there was no doubt about who would get the girl. Matt swept me right off my feet (in person, this time...not over the phone) and that's the beginning of Matt and Molly.

The Beginning...sort of.

This is our blog. This is our story, although it's been started awfully late, this is us. We've been together 2 years now, working hard on 3 and loving every minute of it.
